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Surrey Wing RAFAC Air Cadets' training enhanced with new rifles

Surrey Wing RAFAC Air Cadets had a small stock of 2 rifles but with 1200+ cadets in the wing the opportunity for cadets to use these was very limited. An application for a grant was submitted to The Connaught Trust to purchase another 4 rifles in order to provide a sufficient stock to train more cadets whilst the existing two are used to live fire during a concurrent activity. The wing are keen to get a good percentage of the wing's cadets trained in air rifle shooting and able to use this skill on a regular basis.

Thanks to a grant from The Connaught Trust we now have an additional 4 rifles which are in regular use and means that more cadets are gaining experience with them. They are currently located at our Guildford Unit which train the cadets at their own premises and then move a short distance down the road to the Sea Cadet premises where they have an agreement to use their larger hall as the range (allows the other ATC cadets to still use their own building for other activities).

We had a successful training weekend in November where over 20 were trained using these rifles.

The cadets and staff love them and are already asking for more so we will definitely be looking at submitting another grant for more of these rifles!



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